Claim Your Free Copy of This New York Times Bestselling Book… 
Spy Secrets That Can
Save Your Life
"When I first met Jason Hanson while he was pitching me his business on Shark Tank I knew that his company was going to be a winner and more importantly, that I might learn some tips that could one day save my life!"
~Daymond John, star of ABC's Shark Tank 
Claim Your FREE Copy Of This New York Times Bestseller!
A former CIA Officer reveals safety and survival techniques to keep you and your family protected.

For God-Fearing Patriotic Americans ONLY.

“The valuable information and insights in this book could save your life.” ~Peter Earnest, director, International Spy Museum, former CIA Clandestine Service Officer
Normal Price: $20
Your Price: FREE!
Imagine picking up an ordinary brown box from your doorstep…

And then noticing that it’s from an ex-CIA officer.

You rip open the discreet packaging to discover a book called Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life.

Imagine flipping through the easy-to-read book...

And instantly discovering the most powerful things you can do to protect your home, your privacy and your loved ones from disaster or violent criminals.
How to make yourself literally IMMUNE to bullets — anywhere you go.
This is one bulletproof accessory I take with me when I travel. It weighs a fraction of a pound and no one has any idea it can be used to literally block bullets. Check it out on page 38.
The one nearly-BLACKLISTED item preppers invariably overlook.
Though you won’t have to turn to the black market to get this survival item, you won’t find it advertised openly. It can completely incapacitate an attacker if swung even by a 7 year old and it’s so small it clips right onto your keychain. I’ll show you what it is on page 35.
When it’s appropriate to bribe a police officer overseas — and how to do it
without getting arrested.
When I was being threatened with jail in a European country, I asked one simple question: “I know I have to pay a fine, how do I do that… can I pay you?” He got $50 and I got to go home. Every spy needs to know how to think on his or her feet. You’ll learn the easiest way In Chapter 8
on page 137.
Why it’s NOT always a good idea to help people... and how to know when it’s OK.
Ted Bundy used to walk around on crutches and drop books in front of his victims. And then knock them out when they bent down to pick them up. You won’t believe how else Americans are tricked into dangerous situations (some of them even happen on the highway). But there’s an easy way to see a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Teach everything you learn on page 147 to your family as soon as possible.
Three simple but GENIUS ways to stay one step ahead of a mugger.
Sometimes running away is the best option (I’ll tell you when). Sometimes, handing over your wallet is (I’ll tell you when to do that, too). But sometimes, you don’t want to do either of these things and you need to take ACTION. On page 17, you’ll discover what I taught one of my clients, a petite woman. She used it at a gas station to fend off two attackers all by herself.
How to keep from freezing up in an emergency.
If there’s an emergency, such as a gun-wielding maniac in a shopping mall, do you want to be remembered as the guy who stood there and did nothing? What’s more, most people DIE in emergencies precisely because they did nothing. Here’s how to keep from being “that guy”
on page 20.


    Hotwire a car
(page 69) ...
    Pick locks in seconds
(page 72) ...
    Become a human lie detector
(see Chapter 9 on page 161) ...
  • Improvise a self-defense weapon
  • in an emergency
(page 51) ...
    Pack a perfect emergency kit 
(turn to Chapter 3 on page 31) ...
    And, if necessary, disappear off the grid
(page 77) ...
For two years, I’ve been showing decent Americans like you simple ways to protect their families from sneaky and often violent criminals...

Their homes from drug-fueled home invaders…

Their daughters and wives from rapists...

…And their privacy from government snoops, malicious hackers and nosey neighbors (or ex-spouses).

Why do they listen to me?

I’ve been trained by the CIA, so I know…

On top of that, I’ve conducted careful analysis of defensive techniques… interviewed survivors of disasters and criminal violence… researched violent criminal behavior…

And kept up with new scientific findings on why some people survive in emergency situations...

And why others die.

I’ve also investigated some of the smartest hackers in the world… learned the “inside” cyberwar secrets within the Agency… and talked strategy with more than a few secret agents.

Over the past year, I’ve condensed all this knowledge down into one easy-to-follow book.
So far, I’ve only leaked this book to a few people I trust.

I sent one out to a former client of mine, Heather O’Brien Walker, a well-known motivational speaker and life coach.

Only weeks after her training, Heather was put into a position where she was forced to use what I taught her to fend off two attackers.

She wrote:
“The secrets Jason reveals in this book have literally saved my life.  I used what Jason taught me to escape a potential kidnapping and an attack. I’ll be forever grateful for the techniques he shared with me.”
I also shared a copy with Rorke Denver, a Navy SEAL and
New York Times bestselling author of Damn Few.

He Wrote...
“I have read many books and manuals focused on teaching and explaining these skill sets, but few hit the mark as cleanly, effectively and as easily digestible as Spy Secrets. This book is overflowing with practical knowledge and teaching points that can and will save your life.”
I also leaked one to former CIA officer and Director of the
International Spy Museum, Peter Earnest.

And here’s what he said…
“Jason Hanson is a powerful proponent and practitioner of personal defense tools and techniques, all designed to protect you and your family in your daily lives, at home, and even while traveling. The valuable information and insights in this book, the same material he delivers in classes all over the country, could save your life.”
Soup to nuts, inside Spy Secrets, you’ll discover over 101 instantly actionable techniques, tactics and methods to keep you and your family safe.

In a moment, I’ll show you how to claim your copy for free before they run out.

First, here is, in my opinion, the most important thing you’ll discover in my book…
I can tell you that there is no worse feeling than being bound and unable to move.

That’s because, during training, I was repeatedly tied up, gagged, and forced to escape on my own. Over and over again until I was able to succeed.

Please don’t think this can never happen to you. I promise you — it CAN.

It can happen during a home invasion… a kidnapping scenario… or, heaven forbid, a random hostage situation or civil crisis…

Can you imagine anything worse than being tied up against your will? Or helplessly watching a family member in the same situation?

What if I told you it’s more common you think…

On average over 2,000 Americans are taken
against their will per day.

83 per hour.

One every single minute…

The U.S. has more kidnappings per year than the next 11 nations combined.

And in my book, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to thwart, escape and evade those who wish to capture you…

Or do you and your family harm.

I’ve successfully taught these secrets to men and women from ages nine to seventy-seven, from many different backgrounds.

They are simple techniques ANYONE can use to get out of a literal “tight fix.”
One simple trick that makes duct tape “melt” from your wrists.
Kidnappers or home invaders use duct tape because it’s quick and most people don’t know how to escape it. But you’ll never be a helpless victim once you learn this simple trick on page 53.
The behind the scenes method to break out of handcuffs like Houdini.
Police officers are terrified that this secret will get out. You don’t need expensive special tools or superhuman strength. All you need is a tiny item you can find anywhere that’s so small it’ll fit under your tongue. Houdini used it. Now you can too if
you see page 35.
What to do when you’re home sleeping and you hear a burglar downstairs.
Human nature will tell you to comply with the intruder and hope that he’ll go away. I’ll show you on page 90 why that’s the WORST idea — and what you should do instead.
The biggest life-threatening mistake Americans make when they travel abroad that gets them kidnapped — or worse.
You have no idea how vulnerable we Americans are when we go overseas. You may as well travel with a target on your fanny pack. All you have to do to stay safe is blend in — just the way every spy is taught to do in tradecraft 101. Now I’ll show YOU how on page 98.
Never leave home without this sneaky weapon you can hide in plain sight.
No burglar is EVER going to notice these hiding on your shoes. But you can use them to cut through rope… tape… zip ties… and even use them to defend yourself from harm. See page 40 to learn more.
FOUR secret pressure points that disable any attacker in 2 seconds flat.
At any given moment, at least two of these pressure points will be wide open. (One is the brachial artery.) As soon as you see one, strike exactly how I tell you on page 220, and escape immediately. The attacker will be writhing in pain as you make your quick getaway.
PLUS, the MIND-BLOWING way to catch a kidnapper off-guard…
and turn him into a bumbling coward.
Once they grab you, you have less than ten seconds to avoid being put into the trunk or van. Here’s how to take charge. Surprise him with the same “Panic Blitz” secret that Brittnai Smith of Redding, California, used to break free when a man tried to drag her into his vehicle. See page 65 for the full, shocking story.
Of course, the best way to stay safe is to avoid trouble. But sometimes, you can’t.

And most Americans have no clue what to do in ANY dangerous situation.

If you’re starting from scratch, or even if you’ve trained in martial arts or some other form of self-defense…

You really need to know about my favorite spy tool and why I never leave my home without it.
I’m talking about an inexpensive spy self-defense weapon I doubt 1 in 100,000 Americans know about.

And it’s so discreet that…

When you get yours, you’ll find no problem getting it onto planes. I’ve walked into a courthouse to pay a ticket and got it in without a second look.
It’s not a knife… pepper spray… a taser… none of that.

It’s more powerful than all three of these things.

So powerful, it’s one of many reasons why I’m not sure how long I’ll be allowed to keep this page up.

As you can see from this cease and desist order, I’ve been forced to take certain information off the Internet in the past…
It wouldn’t surprise me if it happened again.

So before this page gets shut down…

Let me tell you more about this secret weapon.

It costs only $35 and is worth every penny. Problem is, only a few brave online companies are willing to sell it.

The laws are slowly shifting and some are reporting they can’t ship to certain states.

But no matter where you live, I’ll show you exactly where to get one. Just flip your free copy of my book to page 225 and uncover everything you need to know.

And if you want to learn how to use this ultimate weapon effectively, you’ll want to reserve your free copy TODAY — before they’re all claimed. And then do EXACTLY what I say on page 36.

But that’s only a small part of the 250-page book.

Inside, I’ll show you why protecting your family from harm doesn’t have to take years of training…

Thousands of dollars…

Or a bunch of high-tech equipment…

You’ll discover, in all, over 101 censored survival secrets that anyone can use — even if they’ve never been in a fight, have zero backbone, and only $200 to their name.
Last July 4, a man named Marc Bonds was minding his own business on the D.C. metro...

A criminal came up to him and punched and kicked him in the head...

…And then stabbed him at least 30 times, killing him.

Every single person on the train cowered in fear as Marc screamed for mercy and help. Not one of the bystanders said or did a thing.
Imagine if this were you. Or worse, someone you love.

Nothing is more terrifying than being in a
violent situation and feeling powerless
to defend yourself or help.
Do you want to be that guy who can only scream for help… or someone who impotently stands there while one or more of your fellow citizens (or, heaven forbid, someone you love) gets murdered right before your eyes?

I hope the answer is no.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting you take on some maniac with a knife single-handedly.

Unless, of course, you understand…

How to pop a knife right out of an attacker’s hands
without even touching it or him… and other
tactics criminals pray you never discover…
Elite government operatives don’t have the time to train for years in order to survive out in the field.

This is why many of tricks I teach can be learned in less than five minutes — and then used instantly to fend off attackers.

For example, what to do if someone grabs your arm and tries to drag you.

Most people will try to step back. And they’ve just made themselves extremely vulnerable.

Instead, you want to step in close and bring your elbow straight up to the attacker’s face. But not in the way you might think. (I’ll show you how to do it effectively on page 221.)

Couple that with the simple “forward triangle” technique that allows anyone to leverage their body weight and you won’t be able to help but CRUSHING an attacker in one heavy blow. (Hint: It’s all about the angle. See page 230.)
What to do if someone puts you in a choke-hold.
Simply jab two fingers into this easy-to-reach spot on their neck. Your attacker’s chin will immediately go down and he’ll step back. That’s when you make the next move. I reveal the precise spot and what to do next on page 223.
The mysterious “Mastaba” secret to attacking with a knife.
This is a knife-fighting tactic I picked up based on a strange ancient symbol. I hope you never have to use it, but it’s extremely effective. Simply remember that attacks should happen in threes — I show you exactly what I mean on page 229.
Disarm an attacker with a knife, whether it’s at your throat, chest, or back.
First, remain passive and don’t look him in the eyes. Instead, keep your eyes on one specific point. Watch it like a hawk. It’ll tell you everything you need to know about where the strike will come from. And then catch him off guard as you do as I suggest on page 231.
One frightening Hollywood cliché about violence that’s actually TRUE.
A woman who once took my defense training had a horrible encounter in Los Angeles. Out of nowhere, a man grabbed her wrist. She turned around and was horrified by what she saw. It’s what you’ll see on page 208. But with the tools I gave her on page 65, she’ll never be vulnerable again.
PLUS, if you travel, here are five items every international spy (and average American) needs to survive in a foreign country.
The first is easy, an international cell phone. Second, an ankle wallet. Third, a cheap laptop. Fourth, an Ironkey. And the fifth is most important. Grab what you see on page 62 (it’s probably in your kitchen clutter drawer) and you’re ready for anything.
Again I want to emphasize, my primary goal is to keep criminals away from you in the first place.

Which is why I was so shocked when I discovered...
Did you know that there are over 8,000 burglaries in America every day?

The chances are one in five your home will be violated by a burglar.

Burglaries are bad enough. But even more frightening is that 38% of all violent assaults in the U.S. and 60% of all rapes take place during home invasions.
Fortunately, the same undercover techniques that keep burglars away discourage home invaders.

The fact is, no matter how good our security is, none of us live in the White House surrounded by guards 24/7.

There’s always the possibility of a home invasion.

And no home is ever 100% burglar-proof.

But I can get you to 98%. And you can be sure that your home will always be the LAST one in your neighborhood a burglar would ever want to mess with.

That’s why the FIRST thing you need to learn is the $15 trick that causes even professional burglars to skedaddle. I’ll tell you all about it on page 83.
Flip to page 76 in your FREE copy of Spy Secrets and discover…
Why certain lawn ornaments attract burglars like flies to honey.
Beware what you keep in your front yard. You’d be surprised what raises a burglar’s eyebrows and make him want to bust your window in. See page 81 for the weird truth.
Think you should ignore a stranger when he rings the doorbell? Think again.
You’re practically begging to get robbed and killed in your own home. I’ll show you what to do instead. (And no, it doesn’t involve opening the door.) This secret you’ll find on page 81.
How to clear your home like a SWAT operative.
If you have no choice than to confront a home invader, then you must know how to clear your home effectively. One simple tactic, for example, is to check all angles before walking in. Another is a little more tricky but is GUARANTEED to give you the upper hand. See page 88 for everything you need to know.
How to spot a burglar casing your home.
Remember that movie where a burglar breaks into a home wearing a ski mask and black outfit in the middle of the day? Don’t be fooled. Burglars never give themselves away that easily. Most blend right in to your neighborhood — and you never notice him until it’s too late. Learn how to spot a burglar instantly on page 79.
PLUS, one lock brand criminals can pick in under 11 seconds.
75% of locks on doors are Kwikset. Are yours? Go check. Seriously, do it. Because if so, I’ve personally picked a lock just like yours in under 11 seconds. Pro criminals can do even better. I’ll tell you the specific brands you must replace — and the locks that really will keep your family safe and protected on page 73.
But bad guys aren’t just anxious to break into your home.

All sorts of people are champing at the bit to break into your computer, your cell phone, and your credit card and other information.

Of course, as a spy, one of the first things we learned was how to keep private stuff PRIVATE and safe from curious or even prying eyes.
If that’s important to you, I think you’ll want to know…
Whether it’s the government, your neighbor next door, or the private investigator your wife secretly hired, you want to know if someone’s got their eye on you.

In the digital age, they all have the means to spy on you.

But fighting back is simple.

For example, CIA agents are taught simple techniques to instantly detect if we’re under surveillance — if we’re being followed or spied on.
For example, to determine if you’re being followed, simply trick your stalker into doing something that automatically exposes him or her. It’s a simple three-step process that I’ll reveal to you on page 123.

Other tricks are even sneakier…

For example, did you know that you can use an old AM/FM analog radio to detect bugs? All you have to do is tune the AM radio slowly.

With most bugs, you’ll hear yourself on the radio once you catch the right frequency. Sounds strange, but it works.

Same goes if you’re being tailed in your car.

If you ARE being followed, the stalker probably put a tracking device on your car as well. And most of them run on the same frequencies as your AM radio.

Slowly run through the frequencies. If you hear a strong tone, it’s likely there’s a device attached to your car.

Look, I worked for Big Brother.

I was inside the belly of the beast. I can tell you with 100% certainty that you’re being watched and your privacy is in jeopardy to a far greater extent than you can possibly imagine.

Both from your own government, from people who want to do you harm or separate from your money (or identity)...

And from just plain snoops who would love to get their hands on your most sensitive information.
How to stop a hacker from changing your password.
In the wrong hands, a password could mean a drained bank account… a stolen identity… and a complete loss of privacy. If more celebrities knew about this simple trick, they would suffer far less humiliation from leaked naked pictures on the Internet. See page 159.
How to disappear without a trace.
Whether you want to disappear from everyone or just one person, the rules are the same. First, conduct a misinformation campaign to confuse the enemy and throw him off your trail. The rest? See page 180.
How the mafia and Mexican drug cartels communicate with complete anonymity.
Go to Wal-Mart, spend about $20, and make a phone call. It’s that easy. And I guarantee Los Federales won’t be able to listen in. See page 187.
How to pull off any disguise.
The most important parts of pulling off a disguise are the details. Here’s a technique so powerful you could fool even your wife on the street. Just see page 195.
How short, fat, ugly men get the girl, and other social influence secrets.
The easiest way to influence someone is to figure out what motivates them. And I’ll show you exactly how to use this to your advantage on page 158.
PLUS, how most con artists and spies try to manipulate you.
This has happened to me at a bar. A beautiful woman tried it on me and I saw right through it and shut her down immediately. This red flag you’ll discover on page 153 is the easiest way to spot someone with ill intentions.
I’m sending 250 copies of my book out for two reasons.

First, I have recently joined forces with one of the most fiercely self-reliant independent research hubs in the world.

Not only do these guys care about your freedom and safety, but they’re willing to put their necks on the line to help you defend both. And that includes being bold enough to distribute my book to 250 Americans — for FREE.

And the second reason…
Many very high-up individuals prefer that you remain ignorant to what I learned in the CIA.

It’s the reason why, in the past, I mostly trained only CEOs, celebrities, and high-net worth individuals. And I was happy with the arrangement. 

The money was great — and I stayed out of the spotlight. 

But with the rapid rise in violence and the bumbling fools in Washington driving the economy into a crater, I refuse to sit on the sidelines. 
That’s why, not only am I going to send you a FREE copy of my New York Times bestselling book…

But, I’m also going to give you 2 MORE valuable free bonuses today… 

...packed to the gills with SECRETS other people will never know… 

Bonus #1: “Make Your Finances Blackout-Proof: How to Secure and Protect Your Wealth in a Crisis”

If you have your savings in dollars (as most people do), when a crisis happens… you could watch the value of decades of hard work drop to ZERO.

But there are certain safe havens – tangible assets that you can use as stores of wealth.

The best part? In a crisis, their value goes UP, not down. 
So, if you store your wealth in these safe havens, you can see the value of your savings INCREASE during a catastrophe…

Remember, after 9/11, the financial markets closed and didn’t open again for 5 days.

And when they did, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 684.71 points (the biggest one-day point loss in history).

Over $1.4 TRILLION was lost in the stock market in a single week.
So, then the government started printing money like crazy, which caused the value of the dollar to plummet.

Before 9/11, gold was $285 per ounce.

Just 10 years later, it was valued at $1,820 per ounce and rising – that’s a staggering 538% increase.

Yet gold is just one type of “safe haven” for your money. And it’s not even necessarily the best one for you.

There are many others, and you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg getting your hands on them either.

This guide will teach you exactly what you need to do in order to make your investments and savings DISASTER-PROOF.

You’ll learn…

Why gold might not be your best precious metal investment – there’s a cheaper way to store your wealth…

Did you know there’s a 100% LEGAL way to stash money offshore and it’s completely tax-free? You’ll get every detail you need…

How much cash should you store in your house for emergencies? And what’s the safest way to keep it out of the hands of burglars?

You’ll get all this and so much more in your copy of “Make Your Finances Blackout-Proof: How to Secure and Protect Your Wealth in a Crisis”…

That’s your first free bonus I’m going to give you along with Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life...

Bonus #2: “The Covert Guide to Concealed Carry”

If you ever find yourself in a situation facing an attacker with a gun, the information in this special guide could very well save your life.

Listen to this…

It was freezing outside.
I was training at The Farm – a Top Secret CIA facility – and there was about 6 inches of snow on the ground.

My hands were so numb I could barely feel the rounds in my hand as I loaded my gun for the next shooting drill.

But, even with my frozen fingers, I successfully took out all the “threats” on the next drill and then went back into the training building to warm up.

Over the next several years, I would spend countless hours learning how to shoot from some of the best in the business.
Top CIA training officers and Navy SEALs.
After all, to become the best, you must learn from the best, work with the best and surround yourself with the best. It’s that simple.

And, in the instances in my life when I had to put this training to the test, I was extremely thankful to have the knowledge and ability to protect myself…

…and now I’m going to pass along that training to you in “The Covert Guide to Concealed Carry.”

I’m sharing commando-level combat secrets, so that if you’re ever in a life-or-death faceoff with an armed assailant…

You have the tools and training to quickly neutralize the threat and keep you and your family safe.

You will know exactly what to do… and how to win in every firefight scenario.

This is Special Forces-level combat trainingand it’s normally not available to the public.

So, please, use this guide responsibly. 

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never picked up a gun in your life or if you’ve been shooting 50 years or more…

I guarantee what you’ll learn in “The Covert Guide to Concealed Carry” will change your ability to respond to and take down a threat.
In this report, you’ll learn elite intelligence operative and security training secrets, like…
Is a revolver or semi-auto a better choice for concealed carry? (There’s a clear answer.)

How to hold your gun for the most accuracy in an intense combat situation…

Why every American should have a concealed carry permit. (Actually, you should have 2 permits. I explain why on page 4)…

Why I would never “open carry” even where it’s legal… and the best invisible holster to conceal your weapon in public

The right way to draw your gun for maximum speed depending on what you’re wearing…

The best way to un-jam your semi-auto in an emergency situation…
When is it ok to kill an attacker? 
How a “New York” reload could save your life…

Plus, I share a lot of private stories from my days with the Agency. And so much more.

Today, your 2 BONUS guides, “Make Your Finances Blackout-Proof: How to Secure and Protect Your Wealth in a Crisis”…

…and “The Covert Guide to Concealed Carry”

As well as your copy of Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life.

…are yours FREE.
In short, I'm giving you the book for free, all I ask is that you pay a small shipping and handling fee of $9.95 since the post office doesn’t give me free postage.

Obviously, your family’s life is worth a measly $9.95 in S&H.

Heck, I know this book could save your life so I’ll even refund the shipping and handling if you don’t absolutely love it and you don't even have to return the book.

All of the risk is on me to prove myself… and that’s how it should be.

And, if there’s still any doubt in your mind about how what I share with you could save your life, check out what these top operators say…

"As someone who’s worked operations with the CIA, I can tell you that Jason and his team are the real deal.”
~Cade Courtley, former Navy SEAL

“Jason Hanson is a powerful proponent and practitioner of personal defense tools and techniques, all designed to protect you and yourfamily.”
~Peter Earnest, director of the International Spy Museum, and former CIA Clandestine Service Officer

“It’s a rare chance you get to learn from the best CIA operatives on how to stay alive in the crazy world we live in.”
-Alain Burrese, former Army sniper

“Jason Hanson has forgotten more tradecraft than most will ever know”
~Rorke Denver, former Navy SEAL

Bottom line: The CIA trained me to be prepared for a crisis and now I want to pass along this critical information to you.

So, click on the green button below to get Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life  today.
P.S. You’ll be devastated if something happens to you during a crisis because you weren’t willing to pay postage and handling. Remember, I’m giving you the book for free, you just cover S&H.
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